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News Report on Research

Research on the Next-Generation Instant Response System – CloudClassRoom (CCR)

Instant response system (IRS) is widely regarded as a useful tool to reform classroom learning because that 1) it can nurtures a sense of classroom participation and thus makes students feel accountable to the academic task exercised in the class; and that 2) the real-time data collected by IRS can assist teachers in tailoring feedback to address students’ difficulties just in time. However, to deploy IRS into every classroom, schools have to invest a lot of money for buying or renting hardware. Furthermore, the distribution and safekeeping of IRS in the classroom are not easy for teachers. In collaboration with Mr. Tsung-Yen Li and Prof. Chun-Yen Chang from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), I therefore develop CloudClassRoom (CCR), a web-based IRS, to solve the aforementioned difficulties in a lower-cost way. CCR is written in HTML 5.0 and works on every Internet-capable device without further software or plug-ins installation. Therefore, CCR enables teachers and students interact with each other by using their own devices, such as PCs, laptops, PDAs, smartphones, or tablets. CCR has several features that are more advanced than the conventional instant response system, including text response, multimedia presentation, instant group formation, and teacher-student role swapping.

To date, approximately 500 teachers have registered in CCR. More than 2500 could classrooms have been established on CCR. Over 10000 classroom activities have been conducted by using CCR. Five different language versions of CCR have been released, including Chinese, English, French, Japanese, and Arabic (the Korean version will be released soon). Several empirical studies have been preliminary done and demonstrated the usability of CCR. An empirical study also has been done to examine the how students learn with CCR, suggesting that CCR is a great tool to enhance the quality of students’ argumentation activities in the classroom. An analytic framework has been established to reveal how students frame classroom activities (e.g., sense-making activity vs. answer-making activity) with the use of CCR. In order to collect empirical data in a large-scale manner, CCR has been further integrated with the learning management system of NTNU, giving us more power to assess how the teachers and students of NTNU co-construct classroom practices. It can be expected that CCR will be fine-tuned to create differential advantages for various users in the near future.

Primarily research outputs related to CCR are listed as follows:

  • Chien, Y. T., Chang, Y. H., & Chang, C. Y.  (accetped). Do we click in the right way? A meta-analytic review of clicker-integrated instruction. Educational Research Review. (4/219 [top 2%] in EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2014 JCR)
  • Chien, Y. T., Lee. Y. H., Li, T. Y., & Chang, C. Y. (accepted). Examining the effects of displaying clicker voting results on high school students’ voting behaviors, discussion processes, and learning outcomes. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education. (EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2014 JCR)
  • Chien, Y. T., & Chang, C. Y. (in press). Supporting socio-scientific argumentation in the classroom through automatic group formation based on students’ real-time responses. In M. S. Khine (Ed.), Science education in East Asia: Pedagogical innovations and research-informed practices. Springer.
  • Chien, Y. T., & Chang, C. Y. (2015, April). Does displaying the real-time voting results affect students’ conceptual learning outcomes in clicker-integrated science classrooms? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Chien, Y. T., & Chang, C. Y. (2015, April). Developing a framework to understand how students participate in clicker-integrated activities: Focusing on framing. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (ICEMST), Antalya, Turkey.
  • Chang, C. Y., Chien, Y. T., & Li, T. Y. (2014, October). A web-based instant response system to support college-level science teaching. Paper presented at the 2014 world conference of the International Society of Educational Research (iSER), Cappadocia, Turkey.

The CCR system is reported by several local news in Taiwan. Related news articles are listed below as well:

Research on Course Models to Assist Pre-Service Teachers in Integrating Technology into Teaching

In collaboration with Prof. Chun-Yen Chang from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), I develop a model to reform teacher preparation courses. The model is called MAGDAIRE (abbreviated from Modeled Analysis, Guided Development, Articulated Implementation, and Reflected Evaluation), aiming to assist pre-service teachers in transforming their roles in technology-integrated teaching: moving pre-service teachers from the roles of passive users of technology, as they themselves learn technology integration, into active designers of technology. This model is subsequently employed to enhance science teacher education courses at NTNU. A series of studies conducted along with the courses indicates that within the context of MAGDAIRE, pre-service teachers’ technology competency levels can be significantly improved. MAGDAIRE seems to be beneficial for pre-service teachers to critically reexamine their teaching practices from the views of subject matter selection, motivation empowerment, information presentation, activity design, and pedagogy transition. Moreover, pre-service teachers’ sensitivity to the complex interactions between technology, pedagogy, and subject matter can be significantly enhanced.

Academic articles related to MAGDAIRE are listed as follows:

The research results of MAGDAIRE are reported by several local news in Taiwan. Related news articles are listed below as well:

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